NEW - WBP-02 - Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor
With the brand new ambulatory blood pressure
monitoring WBP-02, you can get an accurate picture of your patient's blood pressure throughout the day and during sleep, while
unnecessary prescribing of antihypertensive medications for white-coat hypertension. It can also help patients with masked
hypertension receive the treatment they need. It can reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, and organ damage from high blood
pressure, and can also show how well a person responds to long-acting antihypertensive medications.
Key Features:
- Clinical approved accurate reading
The WBP-02A ambulatory blood pressure monitor adopts mature oscillometric method and is equipped with exercise
tolerance and powerful anti-interference technology, allowing you to obtain reliable accurate blood pressure results for doctors and
self-monitoring even on the move.
- Automatic gesture recognition and recording
The WBP-02A ambulatory blood pressure monitor supports automatic posture recognition and recording, helping doctors easily identify changes and trends in measurement records under different postures
- Compact design, without visible tube
Without visible tube, patients don’t need to worry about the tube problems during night measuring.
- High-quality leather cuffs
WBP-02A ABPM is compatible with foursizes of leather cuffs (Optional), meeting most people's arm sizes, and is
dustproof, waterproof, and stain-proof. All designed just for your comfort.
- Adjustable measuring interval, with configurable measurement plan
The measurement interval can be adjusted arbitrarily between 5 minutes and 120 minutes; Awake, Sleep, and three
special time periods can be set as measurement programming, which facilitates measurement with sufficient granularity and longer wearing
time. At the same time, the device supports built-in storage of up to 300 sets of data, andcan be charged and deflated about 200times
through built-in Lithium Ionbattery.
- Works with PC software
- Color setting available for systolic, diastolic, asleep period, BP limit, etc. to fit
individual favorite.
- User defined Data saving path,for better data safety and disc space
- Patient searching function, easy to find patient history record.
- White coat analysis, remarkable color for white
coat period.
- Tendency chart support maximum 72 hours data.
- PDF format report available.
- System provide readings data
sheet, tendency chart, statistics, analysis of pie chart, bar chart, and correlation of systolic and diastolic, heart rate.
Variable report format option. User can define the report content and format upon actual requirement.
- BP comparison. For one
patient who has two or more times programming measurement, the software can compare the different times data for diagnosis.
Analysis of Morning Surge, Smoothness Index, Variation Corr. and AASI.
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