Measuring Technology
1-9 of 9
Geiger Counter HUATEC FJ-6600
The HUATEC FJ-6600 is a high quality Geiger counter / dosimeter with audible alarm
6 - 8 weeks!
699,00 € *
GQ Electronics LLC
Geigerzähler GQ GMC-320plus V4
The GMC-320 Plus is a convenient digital geiger counter with history function (memory) + WiFi and classic geiger counter sound
Immediately available!
179,00 € *
279,00 € *
Geigercounter / Radiation Dedection Quarta-RadRadex RD1008
RADEX RD1008 Geiger counter / radiation meter for beta, gamma and x-ray radiation. Acoustic warning tone, incl. Dosimeter function - beta and gamma radiation...
out of stock !!!
1.299,00 € *
radon detector Airthings Wave
innovative, stationary detector for measuring radon gas | color display of radon values in green, yellow or red or via user-friendly app for iOS / Android
Immediately available!
205,00 € *
219,00 € *
radon detector Airthings Wave Plus
Innovative, stationary detector for measuring radon, CO2, temperature and humidity values, TVOC, air pressure | Color display of radon values in green, yel...
2-5 business days
269,00 € *
Geigercounter RADEX RD1706
The RD1706 dual-sensor Radiation Detector is a handy and very fast device for measuring gamma, beta and X-rays. In addition, it offers the search for the rad...
out of stock !!!
699,00 € *
Geigercounter Quarta-Rad RADEX RD1503+ (Outdoor)
The RD1503+ (Outdoor) is an updated and improved version of the low-cost bestseller Radex RD1503 and is identical in construction to the RD1503+ model. The d...
out of stock !!!
329,00 € *
Trendmedic GmbH & Co. KG
REDGUARD RG-1300 CO2-Monitor
The CO2 monitor with color display and alarm signal reliably shows the carbon dioxide concentration in the ambient air. With German CO2 sensor ( HEIMANN YDJ...
Immediately available!
99,00 € *
109,00 € *
GQ Electronics LLC
Geigercounter GQ GMC-500 plus
The Geiger counter GMC-500Plus is the top model of the American manufacturer GQ Electronics.ein. The Geiger counter has 2 counting tubes (Geiger tubes) for t...
Immediately available!
279,00 € *